CSS colors
for quick results, use the named colors
When the World Wide Web Consortium finalized the standard for Cascading Style Sheets, they included 16 named colors. These colors were previously defined in HTML and correspond to the 16 VGA colors on a PC. It is worth memorizing them because in most case, when designing a simple web page you are unlikely to need any others. Here are the 16 colors, together with their RGB hexadecimal values:
black | #000000 | silver | #C0C0C0 | |||
gray | #808080 | white | #FFFFFF | |||
maroon | #800000 | red | #FF0000 | |||
purple | #800080 | fuchsia | #FF00FF | |||
green | #000800 | lime | #00FF00 | |||
olive | #808000 | yellow | #FFFF00 | |||
navy | #000080 | blue | #0000FF | |||
teal | #008080 | aqua | #00FFFF |
Certain browsers support many other named colors, but because these do not adhere to the specification they should be avoided and the full, hexadecimal value used instead. So, to apply color to an element, you might do something a bit like this:
h1.disgusting { background-color: lime; color: red; }
Below are the awful style rules in action:
This is hideous
the 216-color palette
Beyond the 16 named colors is the so-called browser-safe palette. Most computers can now display thousands, or even millions of colors. Older computers and other devices such as cellular phones may not support so many colors. Almost all of these devices will support 256 colors. When trying to display something that is not one of these special colors, a device will often resort to some sort of mix between two colors that approximate the one specified. You get a kind of "speckled" effect called dithering that is rather unpleasant. By using the 216 colors of the browser-safe palette, you can eliminate this effect. The reason there are 216 available colors and not 256 is that the major operating systems reserve the remaining colors for their own use, but not the same colors.
The 216-color palette uses 6, evenly-spaced graduations of red, green and blue and their combinations. The colors are created from red, green and blue that have been restricted to the hexadecimal values of 00, 33, 66, 99, cc and ff.
FFFFFF | FFFFCC | FFFF99 | FFFF66 | FFFF33 | FFFF00 | ||||||
CCFFFF | CCFFCC | CCFF99 | CCFF66 | CCFF33 | CCFF00 | ||||||
99FFFF | 99FFCC | 99FF99 | 99FF66 | 99FF33 | 99FF00 | ||||||
66FFFF | 66FFCC | 66FF99 | 66FF66 | 66FF33 | 66FF00 | ||||||
33FFFF | 33FFCC | 33FF99 | 33FF66 | 33FF33 | 33FF00 | ||||||
00FFFF | 00FFCC | 00FF99 | 00FF66 | 00FF33 | 00FF00 | ||||||
FFCCFF | FFCCCC | FFCC99 | FFCC66 | FFCC33 | FFCC00 | ||||||
CCCCFF | CCCCCC | CCCC99 | CCCC66 | CCCC33 | CCCC00 | ||||||
99CCFF | 99CCCC | 99CC99 | 99CC66 | 99CC33 | 99CC00 | ||||||
66CCFF | 66CCCC | 66CC99 | 66CC66 | 66CC33 | 66CC00 | ||||||
33CCFF | 33CCCC | 33CC99 | 33CC66 | 33CC33 | 33CC00 | ||||||
00CCFF | 00CCCC | 00CC99 | 00CC66 | 00CC33 | 00CC00 | ||||||
FF99FF | FF99CC | FF9999 | FF9966 | FF9933 | FF9900 | ||||||
CC99FF | CC99CC | CC9999 | CC9966 | CC9933 | CC9900 | ||||||
9999FF | 9999CC | 999999 | 999966 | 999933 | 999900 | ||||||
6699FF | 6699CC | 669999 | 669966 | 669933 | 669900 | ||||||
3399FF | 3399CC | 339999 | 339966 | 339933 | 339900 | ||||||
0099FF | 0099CC | 009999 | 009966 | 009933 | 009900 | ||||||
FF66FF | FF66CC | FF6699 | FF6666 | FF6633 | FF6600 | ||||||
CC66FF | CC66CC | CC6699 | CC6666 | CC6633 | CC6600 | ||||||
9966FF | 9966CC | 996699 | 996666 | 996633 | 996600 | ||||||
6666FF | 6666CC | 666699 | 666666 | 666633 | 666600 | ||||||
3366FF | 3366CC | 336699 | 336666 | 336633 | 336600 | ||||||
0066FF | 0066CC | 006699 | 006666 | 006633 | 006600 | ||||||
FF33FF | FF33CC | FF3399 | FF3366 | FF3333 | FF3300 | ||||||
CC33FF | CC33CC | CC3399 | CC3366 | CC3333 | CC3300 | ||||||
9933FF | 9933CC | 993399 | 993366 | 993333 | 993300 | ||||||
6633FF | 6633CC | 663399 | 663366 | 663333 | 663300 | ||||||
3333FF | 3333CC | 333399 | 333366 | 333333 | 333300 | ||||||
0033FF | 0033CC | 003399 | 003366 | 003333 | 003300 | ||||||
FF00FF | FF00CC | FF0099 | FF0066 | FF0033 | FF0000 | ||||||
CC00FF | CC00CC | CC0099 | CC0066 | CC0033 | CC0000 | ||||||
9900FF | 9900CC | 990099 | 990066 | 990033 | 990000 | ||||||
6600FF | 6600CC | 660099 | 660066 | 660033 | 660000 | ||||||
3300FF | 3300CC | 330099 | 330066 | 330033 | 330000 | ||||||
0000FF | 0000CC | 000099 | 000066 | 000033 | 000000 |
You can specify hexadecimal values in shorthand. For example, the color #6633CC can be written as #63C instead. It is also perfectly okay to specify the hexadecimal letters in lowercase, so it would be #63c instead. I would actually recommend this in case it becomes important with future, case-sensitive versions of CSS.
information resource
The section on colors in the Cascading Style Sheet specification goes into greater detail about ways you can specify colors in a style sheet. Visibone specializes in supplying color tools and charts. Visicheck has a useful tool for checking to see if images on your website are posing problems for people with forms of color-blindness. Thank you for reading.